WRITING UPDATE: Working on next legal thriller and loving how it’s coming.

I’d say that I’m about 32% of the way done with my next legal thriller!

And now….

After teasing it for a LONG TIME….

I’m finally getting close to publishing Lost Cause, Jake Ramsey #4!

This book has been done for awhile but I’ve been working on rebranding the other three books and it’s been a slow process because I have many balls in the air. (The Last Mile, Only The Guilty, and Cold Revenge, to name a few!)

But I’m now finally closing in on that and should have more on that in the next few months. In the meantime, the first chapter of Lost Cause is up on Patreon. All Patron’s subscribed at the $1/month level and up will have access to that and the other Work in Progress posts that I’ve put up!

Patrons on Patreon can also read samples of the current legal thriller that I’m working on.

The Last Mile and Only The Guilty are still doing VERY well!

Thank you so much for making those books so successful!

Now, back to work.

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